Yacht Club invoicing Party Dinner Table photo

Exploring Special Events

MARINA MATE with it's Special Events Management function lets you define any  special event that you will be having, recording who is attending and generate associated charges for tickets.  This might be a dinner, concert, sail-past, summer BBQ or anything that you need to have people register and purchase tickets for.  For each event, you may define date, time, location, three different ticket prices and three different Extra Charges.  You can have the system pre-load all yacht club members or marina clients and just mark who is actually going to attend.  Or you can just add each attendee as they RRSP their attendance.  For each attendee you can list the names of up to five extra guests that they will be bringing to the event, which tickets are being purchased and which extra charged items they wish to purchase.  They can even request to indicate which other attendee they would like to sit with and indicate any dietary needs or alergies. 
Members or clients with access to the web portal from their tablet, smart phone can register and select tickets. They can also add extra items to purchase along with listing their guests.
If the Event is held at one of a Yacht Club's Outstation, on the breakwater, or remote destination; or a Marina's dock, or remote location, you may set up to have charges recorded for the sale of specified items. Staff can execute the Web Portal's Event Sales Entry application, where internet connection is available, and sell assorted items and record the charges to the member's, guest, or client's account.

Associated to Special Events:
  • Define an event for which members, clients or guests will be billed for
  • Set up 3 different ticket prices and 3 different extra chargeable items to purchase
  • Each attendee can list the names of up to 5 guests they will be bringing
  • Attendees can request seat assignment with other attendees
  • Attendee information can be imported and exported from/to spreadsheet
  • Record assigned seating section, table number and/or seat numbers
  • Members or clients with Web Portal access can register and RRSP for the event
  • Have a Guest List report printed
  • Identify up to 20 items that can be sold at the event
  • Staff with Web Portal access can record the sale of items to member's accounts
  • You can generate reminder emails to be sent to all registered attendees
  • After the event has occurred the system will generate all applicable charges to be invoiced

The Benefits to be Achieved:
  • Manage the registration and billing for special events held
  • Easily keep track of the number of guests that will be attending
  • Send out Event Announcement emails to all members or clients
  • Send out Event Reminder emails to all registered attendees
  • Easily extract attendee information to spreadsheet or tab-delimited file to be used in other applications
  • Members or clients can register and list their guests from the Web Portal

   Sample Screen Shots for Special Event Invoicing: